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BioSomatic Movement Classes-2025

SERIES 1-January 7, 14, 21, 28 -3pm-4pm

SERIES 2-April 1, 8, 15, 22-4pm-5pm

SERIES 3 - July 8, 15, 22, 29-4pm-5pm 

SERIES 4 - October 7, 14, 21, 28 -4pm-5pm


Classes located at: 249 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO

The Missing Link in Fitness

Educating the body by non-strenuous movement to resolve

stiffness, soreness, and restricted range of movement.

These workshops are for everyone interested in acquiring

knowledge to self-direct their health. Releasing habitual

tensions in spine and joints.


Synovial Joints the most prevalent type of joints in the body. Found mostly in the limbs and along the back of the spine.

This somatic way of moving spinning, rolling and gliding contribute to the health of these joints.


When joints become stiff and painful this pain may be mistaken for arthritic pain. When in fact movement could alleviate it.

Investment $95 (Early Bird: 2 weeks prior to 1st class-$90)
For more information call Carol Welch at 245-8903








BioSomatic Approach - Bone, Breath and Gesture

Transformation and Evolution of our Experience as a Body


Saturday, August 19, 2023

1pm to 4pm

Sunday, August 20, 2023

10am to 1pm


Investment-$270, Early Bird $250 by August 1st.

​This involves:
  • Bones-Awareness of how you move, moving with the connectivity of all parts.

  • Breath-calm or emergency?  Healthy breathing stabilizes the posture.  Poor breathing interferes with the health of everything you do and feel.

  • Gesture-The body is a dynamic expression, not a static event 

    • The gesture of healthy

      • push and pull​

      • holding a  posture

      • swinging and rolling

      • feeling connection to all parts

    • results in more grace and less deterioration



5350 Manhattan Circle, Ste 100, Boulder, CO










Introduction to the Biosomatics Approach



August 18th, 2023

Friday, 3pm-4:30pm



5350 Manhattan Circle, Ste 100, Boulder, CO





Classes Available
but not yet scheduled

BioSomatic Approach - Crossing the Bridge to More Direct Self Knowledge

This involves:
  • differentiation of what exercising is and what learning to to move is

  • training in the art of self-observation

  • neuroplasticity of the brain maps in postural conditions

  • how four primary neuromuscular links build the bridge between how we move and how e mentally process


BioSomatic Approach - Introduction to the Biosomatic Approach to Movement Education


Educating the body by non-strenuous movement to resolve stiffness, soreness and restricted range of movements. 


This 2-hour class is for anyone interested in acquiring knowledge to self-direct their health. 


This process of reeducating adult neuro-motor functioning resulting in a means to self-adjust tension, change postural patterns and help us gain freedom from the unconscious habits of how we use ourselves.


BioSomatic Approach - Agility of Hips

This two day workshop will involve:
  • Reawaken your awareness of muscles and joints that are not used, used inadequately, or misused.

  • Integration of the relationship of the femur, pelvis and spine have to one another.

  • Reeducation of the self in the use of autogenics and ideokinesis (verbal and mental imagery).

  • Movement that reach into the health of ankle, knees and hips.​

BioSomatic Approach-Unshackling the Neck and Shoulders
This class Involves:
  • Movements that melt away the stress patterns of the startle reflex
  • Movements for learning our way out of pain, releasing habitual tensions and how to condition the connective tissue to maintain its health
BioSomatic Approach-The Art of Coaching Through the Neurological Coordination Patterns
This class Involves:
  • Four fundamental patterns in the nervous system that have been scientifically known since the 1930s.

  • The four primary neuromuscular links between how we move and how we mentally process

  • The use of these patterns to connect movement, mindset and behavior

  • Knowledge of three stages to healthy use of the patterns

    • Recognition; seeing the patterns in ourselves and others

    • Limitation; seeing how suboptimal use of the patterns hurts us, the over use and under use of a pattern

    • Freedom to move into a pattern we want easier access to; using any pattern as it's appropriate



BioSomatic Approach -Health of Internal Organs Through Sound and Movement

This involves: 

  • Movement and its profound relationship to joints and internal organs and how movement of joints activates the flow of energy in the acupuncture channels
  • Irritation in a joint can set off a problem in an associated organ, irritation in an organ can cause a problem in a joint. . . . treating both aspects will ensure optimal well-being.
  • Sounds produce particular pulses of electromagnetic current, and can                                                                                                         clear out congestion of energy in the physical body especially the internal organs.
  • Creating a more conscious connection with our internal organs
BioSomatic Approach-Rejuvenation of Spine
This class Involves:
  • Retraining the habits of overextending and excessive flexion of spine
  • Retraining movement pathways that stress the spine
  • Becoming aware of what we use, overuse and underuse to decrease                                                                                                                     pressure between the discs
BioSomatic Approach - Scoliosis and the Need for Increased Mobility

This two day workshop will involve:   

  • gentle ways to help the spine, ribs, chest and hips move

  • discovery of what parts can move freely

  • teaching the back to lie flat and twist with a fuller range of motion

  • learning how to allow hips to be loose for better walking

  • movement that goes with the system. . .not stretching or manipulating the                                                                                                              spine in an attempt to straighten it


BioSomatic Approach - Movement as a Way to Change the Brain Map of Scoliosis


This two day workshop will involve:

  • understanding and use of Neurological Coordination Patterns that can change the firing orders of nerves acting on muscles

  • gentle ways to assist the spine to move in the direction of the curvature, in order to send the brain signals to stop contracting those muscles

  • learning how to allow hips to be loose for better walking


BioSomatic Approach - Renegotiation

Change requires a new learning, brain work


This involves:

• Sensory-motor awareness of the four basic neurological actions: YIELD, PUSH, REACH, PULL

• Each of these actions has a unique quality of tone that spans a continuum from passive to active, compression to elongation and inner to outer focus.

• Each of these actions can also be used as an antidote for body problems: RESET tone STABILIZE disconnected areas MOBILIZE to lengthen ENHANCE coordination and connectivity


BioSomatic Approach - Renegotiation of Trauma

Balanced feet and Reeducation of Scoliotic Curve

​This involves two workshops:

• What the feet hold as a pattern relays to the spine.

• Scoliosis understood as a neuromuscular pattern

• Mobilizing the health of joints

• Giving the brain the opportunity to reorganize the spine in new and better ways.


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